📃Gutenberg Support

Ronnie theme fully supports the Gutenberg block editor, which provides a streamlined and intuitive way to create and edit content. With Gutenberg, you can leverage a wide range of blocks to build engaging layouts, add rich media, and customize your content.

To create a new post or page using Gutenberg:

  1. Go to "Posts" or "Pages" -> "Add New" in your WordPress admin dashboard.

  2. The Gutenberg editor will automatically load, displaying a clean canvas for your content.

  3. Use the block inserter (+ icon) to add different blocks such as paragraphs, headings, images, galleries, and more.

  4. Customize the blocks' settings, styles, and arrangement to create your desired layout.

  5. Experiment with different block patterns, reusable blocks, and block variations to enhance your content.

For more information on using Gutenberg, refer to the official Gutenberg documentation or explore the Gutenberg Block Editor section in the WordPress Codex.

Last updated