💠Widgets and Sidebars

Ronnie offers a variety of customization options to give your blog a unique look and feel. The theme includes six predefined widget areas: Footer Block 1, Footer Block 2, Footer Block 3, Footer Block 4, Footer Social, and Sidebar.

In addition to supporting Gutenberg blocks, Ronnie also provides a collection of unique blocks specifically designed for the theme. These blocks enable you to create engaging and visually appealing layouts for your blog posts and pages. These blocks offer a range of options and functionality to enhance your content. More Ronnie Blocks will be added with future updates.

To get a glimpse of the available blocks, please see the image below:

With these predefined widget areas and unique blocks, Ronnie allows you showcase your content in a visually stunning way.

Experiment with the different widget areas and blocks to create a personalized and captivating blog layout that reflects your style and content goals.

Last updated